Standard Terms of Business – Pinewood Veterinary Practice Ltd
Thank you for entrusting the care and attention of your pet to Pinewood Veterinary Practice Limited.
This document details our Practice Terms and Conditions. Some aspect of the Terms may not be relevant to you and we request that you ask for further explanation/clarification if required.
Calculation of Fees
All fees, diet and drug charges are subject to VAT at the current rate. Fee levels are determined by the time spent on a case and according to the equipment, drugs, materials, consumables and diets used. We have a fee list which is based upon these calculations and which is the basis for standard fees which you are charged. You will receive a detailed fee note for every consultation, surgical procedure or transaction with us.
Methods of Payment
Accounts are due for settlement at the end of the consultation, the discharge of your pet or upon collection of drugs/diets/consumables. You may settle your account using CASH, CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD. We do not accept cheques and we do not provide credit.
Settlement Terms
All fees and charges are to be settled at the time of receipt of the goods or services. Should an account not be settled immediately then you will be requested to sign a client account form and provide proof of address. All outstanding amounts will be referred to our Debt Collection Service within a maximum time limit of 30 days and further charges will be levied in respect of costs incurred in collecting the debt (such as production of reports, correspondence, court fees, phone calls, home visits etc). Any cheque returned to our bank as unpaid, any debit or credit card payment not honoured and any cash tendered that is found to be counterfeit will result in the original account being restored to the original sum with further charges added in respect of bank charges and administrative costs.
Inability to Pay
If, for any reason you are unable to settle your account as specified, we ask you to bring it to the attention of a member of staff as soon as possible. Please note that only the company directors have the authority to make any decisions in these matters.
Pet Health Insurance
Pinewood Veterinary Practice Ltd strongly supports the principle of insuring your pet against unexpected illness or accidents. Please ask for details about insurance from a member of staff. Please be aware that it is your responsibility to settle your account in full in the normal way with us and then reclaim the fees from your insurance company. We are usually required to complete parts of your claim form, for this there is a fee payable.
Ownership of Records
Case records including radiographs and similar documents are the property of, and will be retained by Pinewood Veterinary Practice ltd. Copies with a summary will be passed, upon request, to another veterinary surgeon taking on the case. You can request a copy of your clinical records.
Written Prescriptions
You may obtain prescription only medication from your veterinary surgeon or request a written prescription and obtain these from another veterinary surgeon or pharmacy.
Your veterinary surgeon may only prescribe prescription only medications for animals under their care. A written prescription may not be appropriate if your animal is an inpatient or if immediate treatment is necessary.
You will be informed, upon request, the price of any medicine that may be dispensed for your animal.
The general policy of this practice is to assess an animal requiring repeat prescriptions every 6 months but this may vary with individual circumstances. The standard charge for a re-examination in £36.50.
Further information on the prices of medication and written prescriptions are available upon request.
Ownership of Radiographs and Similar Records
Even though we make a charge for carrying out investigations and interpreting the results, ownership of the resulting record, for example a radiograph, ultrasound picture or laboratory result, remains with Pinewood Veterinary Practice. Copies can be made available.
Results of Tests
We will contact you regarding the results of any tests we do. You should always contact us if you do not hear from us.
Out of Hours Emergency Care
Out of Hours emergency care is provided by a local animal hospital. When you contact them as a client of Pinewood Veterinary Practice Ltd, you are agreeing to the exchange of personal, clinical and financial records.
Complaints and Standards
We hope you never have recourse to complain about the standards of service received from Pinewood Veterinary Practice Ltd. However, if you feel there is something you wish to complain about, please direct your comments in the first instance by phone or in writing to Dr Favier or Mrs Spain.